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Royaltiz is a platform from France where you can share the financial success of talented people. You can share the success of sports players, artists, entrepreneurs, and content creators and make money.
1. Create your account through my referral link
2. Verify your identity. ***VERIFICATION IS INSTANT***. -- you need ID card( passport/driving license)
3. DEPOSIT 16 EUROS or Non-Euro currency using a credit card.
4. Buy a Talent
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6. Get up to 10,000 euros by inviting other people using YOUR referral link.
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Åland Islands - AX
Andorra - AD
Austria - AT
Belgium - BE
Bosnia and Herzegovina - BA
Croatia - HR
Cyprus - CY
Denmark - DK
Estonia - EE
Faroe Islands - FO
Finland - FI
France - FR
Germany - DE
Gibraltar - GI
Greece - GR
Guernsey - GG
Holy See (Vatican) - VA
Iceland - IS
Ireland - IE
Isle of Man - IM
Italy - IT
Jersey - JE
Kosovo - XK
Liechtenstein - LI
Luxembourg - LU
Malta - MT
Monaco - MC
Montenegro - ME
Netherlands - NL
North Macedonia - MK
Norway - NO
Portugal - PT
San Marino - SM
Spain - ES
Svalbard and Jan Mayen - SJ
Sweden - SE
Switzerland - CH
United Kingdom of Great Britain and Northern Ireland (UK) - GB
Overseas France
French Guiana - GF
French Polynesia - PF
Guadeloupe - GP
Martinique - MQ
Mayotte - YT
Réunion - RE
Saint Barthélemy - BL
Saint Martin - MF
Saint Pierre and Miquelon - PM
Wallis and Futuna - WF
Afrique du Sud - ZA
Algérie - DZ
Angola - AO
Bénin - BJ
Botswana - BW
Burundi - BI
Cameroun - CM
Cap-Vert - CV
Comores - KM
Côte d'Ivoire - CI
Djibouti - DJ
Egypte - EG
Eswatini - SZ
Gabon - GA
Gambie - GM
Ghana - GH
Guinée équatoriale - GQ
Guinée-Bissau - GW
Kenya - KE
Lesotho - LS
Madagascar - MG
Malawi - MW
Maurice - MU
Mauritanie - MR
Mozambique - MZ
Namibie - NA
Niger - NE
Nigeria - NG
République du Congo - CG
Rwanda - RW
Sahara occidental - EH
Sainte-Hélène, Ascension et Tristan da Cunha - SH
Sao Tomé-et-Principe - ST
Seychelles - SC
Sierra Leone - SL
Tanzanie - TZ
Tchad - TD
Togo - TG
Tunisie - TN
Zambie - ZM
Anguilla - AI
Antigua and Barbuda - AG
Argentina - AR
Bahamas - BS
Belize - BZ
Bermuda - BM
Bolivia - BO
Bonaire, Sint Eustatius and Saba - BQ
Brazil - BR
Canada - CA
Chile - CL
Colombia - CO
Costa Rica - CR
Curaçao - CW
Dominica - DM
Dominican Republic - DO
Ecuador - EC
El Salvador - SV
Falkland Islands - FK
Greenland - GL
Grenada - GD
Guatemala - GT
Guyana - GY
Honduras - HN
Mexico - MX
Montserrat - MS
Paraguay - PY
Peru - PE
Puerto Rico - PR
Saint Kitts and Nevis - KN
Saint Lucia - LC
Saint Vincent and the Grenadines - VC
Sint Maarten - SX
Suriname - SR
Turks and Caicos Islands - TC
United States of America (USA) - US
Uruguay - UY
Virgin Islands (British) - VG
Virgin Islands (United States) - VI
Armenia - AM
Bahrain - BH
Bangladesh - BD
Bhutan - BT
British Indian Ocean Territory - IO
Brunei - BN
Christmas Island - CX
Cocos (Keeling) Islands - CC
Georgia - GE
Guam - GU
Hong Kong - HK
India - IN
Indonesia - ID
Israel - IL
Japan - JP
Kuwait - KW
Kyrgyzstan - KG
Laos - LA
Macau - MO
Malaysia - MY
Maldives - MV
Mongolia - MN
Nepal - NP
Oman - OM
Qatar - QA
Saudi Arabia - SA
Singapore - SG
South Korea - KR
Sri Lanka - LK
Taiwan - TW
Thailand - TH
Timor-Leste - TL
Vietnam - VN
American Samoa - AS
Aruba - AW
Australia - AU
Cook Islands - CK
Fiji - FJ
Kiribati - KI
Marshall Islands - MH
Micronesia - FM
Nauru - NR
New Caledonia - NC
New Zealand - NZ
Niue - NU
Norfolk Island - NF
Northern Mariana Islands - MP
Palau - PW
Papua New Guinea - PG
Pitcairn - PN
Samoa - WS
Solomon Islands - SB
Tokelau - TK
Tonga - TO
Tuvalu - TV
United States Minor Outlying Islands - UM