Sign up using the ref link.
Verify your details, mobile verification.
Receive 500 points in your wallet, worth £5.
Add your debit card details, advice to use Revolut.
Choose the company, recommend, Amazon.
Enable the discount and click enable on the store
Zilch will navigate you to Amazon, add your Zilch card to the payments section.
Buy a £5 Amazon Gift Card, using the Zilch card.
You will then within minutes receive your £5 gift card via email and Zilch will notify you on the app.
Note the referer will only receive 500 points, when you make a purchase.
Use the image for visual instructions.
Not financial advice.
The app is similar to Klarna so they allow you to use credit, to purchase items or shop. If you dnt follow the instructions properly, you will not get a free gift card.
They carry out a soft search when registering but it doesn't affect your credit rating. If you use the other services then they carry out a hard check.