has 2 separate platforms. You can use both bonuses.
A) Mobile app
This referral link is ONLY FOR MOBILE APP
(For computer/web browser exchange use link further below)
BONUS: 25 USD + 100% rebate on Netflix and Spotify subscriptions
1. Download the mobile app
2. Open the app and click on "Invited? Add Referral Code" and copy this code 7kfa22axcj
(if you opened the referral link on your mobile phone it should autofill the referral code, but if not, fill it manually, otherwise you wont get the bonus)
3. You should get confirmation "Referral Code verified"
(if you skip this, you still have an option to insert the code within next 5 days)
Without this code you will not receive the bonus!!!
4. Continue though whole registration process (KYC)
5. Your bonus in CRO cryptocurrency will be already visible, but locked
6. For 25 USD bonus you will need to order Ruby steel card, for which you need to stake CRO worth of at least 350 EUR (or similar in USD). I recommend to deposit more, so you are safe in case of exchange rate volatility, but also because you can pay for your Netflix and Spotify subscription with the Ruby steel card and then you receive the 100% cashback, or for other purchases you receive 2% cashback.
7. After deposit you have to buy CRO worth of at least 350 EUR
8. After the purchase you should see both you bought and bonus CRO in you wallet, if not, restart the app, but it will be there in a while
9. The bonus CRO will be locked, so click on Unlock Now and follow through the process of staking your CRO for 180 days.
10. In main menu Card you should see all 3 conditions green ("CRO Purchase", "Card Terms & Conditions" and "Address Verification")
11. If everything is OK, your bonus CRO should be unlocked now. The rest will be unlocked after 180 days.
12. If you use your Ruby steel card for paying for your Netflix or Spotify subscription, you will get 100% rebate
B) Exchange (web browser)
This referral link is ONLY FOR WEB EXCHANGE
(For mobile app referral link see top of this description)
- 2% deposit bonus
- 10 - 2000 USD based on amount of staked CRO
(optimal is going for 50 USD bonus)
1. On your web browser open this link:
(please not the difference in the link for app and web exchange, although the referral code is the same)
2. Unfortunately you cannot deposit USD or EUR. The only possibility is to deposit your crypto from other exchange or wallet
3. Click on the left menu Stake & Earn and then the blue button Stake CRO to receive full benefits, there you can choose which level of bonus you will go for. E.g. you stake 5000 CRO (at the moment about 810 EUR or 955 USD) and you will receive 50 USD + 15 USD (2% deposit bonus)
For more similar offers look at my page (Google translated to English):
1. Register via this link:
2. Deposit 250 EUR or similar value in other major currency
3. Buy crypto via Instant Buy or Sell (not Luno Exchange) - it can be more purchases (more coins), but if you want to send those coins late to some other exchage/wallet its better to buy only 1 type of crypto
4. You will receive bonus 15 EUR paid in Bitcoin on the next day
5. I also recommend to unlock the possibility to send your coins out of Luno. By default it is locked, so try to withdraw your coins and you will see the option to unlock this in 14 days (for security state)
For more similar offers look at my page (Google translated to English):
30 EUR bonus for 35 EUR purchase of crypto
1. Register via this link:
2. Deposit 35 EUR
3. Open a BTC or ETH wallet and buy BTC or ETH
3. You will receive bonus 30 EUR paid a few days
For more similar offers look at my page (Google translated to English):