2024-06-19: cannot generate new codes any longer!
Code: RFINDCT4FWJ759U5 (active and valid through 2024.08.09). Verizon can add a referral code even after the account is open - just call customer service (611). Your discount will start showing up in about a billing cycle. Cheers!
AdBlock Pro is an adblocking extension with multiple blocking categories. Complete block of youtube ads and others. With the code you unlock one extra blocking category for free. To add the code 05FD1B, open AdBlock Pro app - More - Referral - Redeem Friend's Code.
You get a $10 gift code to try their "game-changing naturally sustainable Merino bras and underwear for your first time. No stress or worries as we offer free returns, exchanges and a 100% money-back guarantee."